Sunday 30 March 2014

The fruity treat

In my previous posts also, you must have seen that I advocate eating fruits and vegetables. I am asked several times: ‘When there are millions of choices to eat, why do we stick to fruits and vegetables? Vegetarian diet is very limited in options. You just have fruits and vegetables and grains. On the other hand, the people who consume non- vegetarian food can consume both’. Another very common argument given by propounders of non-vegetarian foods is that vegetarian diet can lead to deficiency diseases. They even say it is not a balanced diet to eat only foods from vegetarian sources.
Now, let us assess the condition in a proper perspective. Let us recall my argument regarding natural food for man. I said since our ancestors used to eat fruits and vegetables and some nuts and were healthy, it proves that these kinds of food is suitable for man.
Let us compare the physical make-up of the herbivores (plant eaters) and carnivores (meat eaters) and see where does man fit in. Carnivores have shorter gastro-intestinal tract than both man and herbivores, which helps it to expel the toxins from the dead animal to leave its body sooner. Carnivores have sharp canines, meant for tearing flesh. Human dentures are similar to herbivores with strong wide molars and less sharp canines. Carnivores do not chew food. Herbivores ruminate. Mastication is one of the important steps of human digestion. A carnivore can run very fast for a short distance to hunt and kill. Whereas, herbivores can run not so fast but can run for a longer distance. Man, I need not repeat again, as we already know is not bound by limitations of nature. He has liberty to move beyond his limitations. He can run fast as well as run for longer distance. And man is not a killer by instinct. His reflexes are far slower than a tiger or cheetah. And he flinches when he has to kill.
 Further, fruits and vegetables fresh from the farm are full of life energy and provide this energy when we consume it. Try it for yourself. Be on fruit diet for a week and see the difference. 
As for variety, have you tried eating all the fruits and vegetables available in your locale? Leave alone fruits and vegetables imported from foreign places. Considering the Indian set up, you need not always run after the kiwi fruit or avocado. The locally available, plum, peaches, orange, melons, papaya, banana are good enough. Seasonally available and locally available fruits and vegetables are most suitable for consumption in an area. Mother Nature has selected with great care what suits a place and bestowed her bountiful baskets of local plants.
Regarding nutrition, fruits and vegetables and most grains and cereals contain all the necessary nutrients, if eaten in the right combination. A vegan diet is considered to be lacking in nutrients but not a lacto vegetarian (one who consumes milk and milk products) or ovo- vegetarian (one who consumes egg).
Taste can be improved by preparing it in different styles and in different combinations.
One more argument to get my stand grounded is plant based arachidonic acid gives rise to prostaglandins which are anti- inflammatory whereas animal based arachidonic acid gives rise to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Simply put, plant based food is anti- inflammatory while animal based food helps inflammatory process.
Again, moderation is my motto. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in plenty but you can have other foodstuff in moderation. Today’s mantra would be:
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Select fresh stuff which is locally and seasonally available.
  • Avoid imported or cold stored items.
  • Preferably go for home-grown or organic sources.
  •  If eggs or milk is included go for local products and unpacked ones.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables raw or uncooked at least for one meal a day.
Enjoy your fruity diet.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah (may all be blessed)
 Love and regards

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