Monday 24 March 2014

Return to nature.

Nature! What comes to mind the instant you hear the word 'nature'? In the near future, kids will imagine an artificial park with landscaped lawns and man- made lakes when they hear nature. Gone are the days when children used to play in the open meadows. As we move further away from nature, Mother Nature too shies away and we suffer the brunt. Most lifestyle related diseases are on the rise. With each of nature's laws broken, the penalty has to be paid. For health one has to 'return to nature', as aptly said by Adolf Just. Observe the laws of nature in thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Be honest with yourself and others. Life is not just this instant when you score over another by cheating. It is a collection of the many moments that we call life
  • Be optimistic about life situations. There is more to it than meets the eye. It always is according to the cosmic plan. Have faith.
  •  Always keep your words. Others will respect you when you respect yourself and keeping your words means you respect what you said.
  • Do not wear a masque. Be who you are. This solves a lot of dilemmas.
  • Smile from your heart. Do not paste a grin on your face. Let the warmth flow from within to the outside.
  • Eat natural. Avoid processed and canned items. Include more veggies and fruits. Avoid using table salt and sugar.
  • Wear cotton clothes preferably.
  • Drink 3-4 litres of water daily.
  • Breathe fresh air, unpolluted and untainted by air conditioning or room fresheners. 
  • Be natural. Return to nature and let mother nature nurture you and nourish you with health and vitality.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah (May all be blessed)
Love and regards,

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