Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Why do you need to drink lots of water?

“Water, water everywhere....not a drop to drink..”
We hear this refrain from ‘the seaman’, of Ernest Hemingway’s novel, when he was stranded in the ocean. The ever present not so special liquid, which is inconspicuous by its presence everywhere, is indeed ‘the elixir of life’. Continuing with my thread of ‘Return to nature’, we shall now proceed to an important aspect of natural living-water.
Water has been present on earth since the time of Creation. It forms an important component of all the creation of nature. The human body itself is made up of 70% water.  And it has multiple roles in the working of the human body. It forms the milieu interior of the cells themselves, the basic building block of the organism. It forms the medium of most of the biochemical reactions in the body.
Water is H₂O, which can exist in the three states solid, liquid and gas on earth. Due to its specific properties, physical as well as chemical, it has many roles to play. Physically, water is colourless, odourless, and tasteless. It has high specific heat, high latent heat of fusion and evaporation. It is called universal solvent as it can dissolve most substances. It has high surface tension.
Chemically, it is formed by covalent bonds between oxygen and hydrogen atoms. It’s P is neutral. On hydrolysis, it yields hydrogen and oxygen. It has low electrical conductivity which increases on addition of electrolytes. It has a high boiling and melting point.
Water forms a very important part of our lives due to its special properties. It is important to maintain the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, regulating the weather conditions, transfer of heat between atmosphere and ocean, physiological functions of the organisms.
Man uses water for agriculture, sanitation, industry, cooking, drinking and bathing. Water is essential for the normal functioning of the human body even if it is empty of calories.
Now, let us discuss the importance of water in regard to human body. Water comprises 70% of the human body. It is present in the blood and in the cells. It forms the medium for most of the biochemical reactions in the human body. It helps to transport nutrients throughout the body. It helps to eliminate waste products of the body. It helps to regulate the body temperature.
So, it is clear why water is important for the human body or any other living organism for that matter. According to naturopathy, one should consume a minimum of 3-4 litres of water daily. It is one of the means to rejuvenate the body. What does modern science have to say about it? Water is removed from the body in the form of sweat, sensible and insensible, urine, in stools and with the air while breathing. Total amount of water going out of the body for the purpose of elimination of wastes comes up to 1400ml/day. If this much amount of water is not given to the body, it leads to dehydration. Thus, it proves why you should drink water.
You might ask me, ‘isn’t there a thirst centre in the brain which tells you when you are thirsty and need to drink aren’t that the natural way?’ Oh yes, you are right. But like I always say, humans are most adaptable and most malleable. You were taught right from schooldays to wait for the break to go for water suppressing the natural thirst and gradually you get used to it. And sadly, you forget to drink until absolutely necessary.
Drink. And drink lots of water. Your body needs it. I started an experiment. I wanted to drink lots of water and see if I find any changes. Voila! I drink 3-4 litres daily and I feel energetic, light and my pimples have disappeared which were my faithful companions for the last 14 years of my life. To add to that my skin feels great, soft, well hydrated and lines free.
There are a lot more benefits of water drinking. It helps to ease motions in constipation. It relieves headache. It keeps your skin healthy. It helps in elimination process. It helps in controlling craving for food. To sum it up, water is essential for good health.
Now, time for today’s mantra for healthful drinking:
  • Drink at least 2-3 litres of water daily.
  • Drink water at room temperature not too cold or too hot.
  • Do not drink during meals, drink in between meals.
  • If not water always, drink fresh fruits and vegetable juices also but do not add sugar and ice.
  •  Drink at least a litre of water just after waking up in the morning.
  • Keep a water bottle handy and keep drinking. It becomes a habit.
  • All this can be followed by anyone except people with kidney problems. Please consult your doctor before increasing your fluid intake.
Happy drinking. Remember it is the elixir of life.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah (may all be blessed)
Love and regards

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